For a limited time we will be providing a free External Threat Assessment to the first 5 Companies. Please complete the below Network Security contract PDF and email to
Network Security Services
Our network security services provide a real-world view of your network and allows you the opportunity to remediate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. These services can be performed externally against Internet-facing addresses to assess the threat of anonymous 'drive-by' attacks, or internally against your LAN to assess the threat of a malicious insider.
A security consultant will discuss your requirements with you and will help determine a test plan that best fits your needs. After the assessment, we will produce a report of the findings with recommended remediation for any vulnerabilities that are found. Below are some examples of the services we can provide.
Unauthenticated External Threat Assessment
During an Unauthenticated External Threat Assessment, both passive and mildly-invasive techniques are used against your server to identify possible threats. This quick assessment identifies the Internet-facing services available and checks for known vulnerable application versions, default configurations, and other common issues which make it easy for an anonymous attacker to compromise your site.
Web Application Assessment
During a Web Application Assessment, mildly-invasive techniques are used to identify possible threats to your servers posed by either anonymous users or a malicious user with credentials. This assessment identifies issues such as SQL injection, Cross-site scripting, and other vulnerabilities that can be abused to compromise your application.
External Network Penetration Test
In an External Network Penetration Test, both active and invasive techniques are used to attempt an actual compromise of your web application or other accessible service. This test is best done against a pre-production system to avoid a service impact, but can be tailored for a production system during off-peak hours.
Internal Network Threat Assessment
The Internal Network Threat Assessment simulates an ‘inside job’, where a malicious user has credentials or has gained unauthorized access to your corporate LAN. This test uncovers vulnerabilities such as weak access controls, vulnerable printers, access to additional networks, and other common problems. Remediation of these issues help to slow further unauthorized access by prevention of easy lateral movement on your network.
Please complete this Network Security Contract and email to
Georgia Private Security License PSC002298